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Scandal at Vauxhall (Pleasure Garden Follies) Page 5

  Nathaniel, deep in thought, barely noticed her stir until her eyes popped open. How he delighted in her gaze. Every time he stared into her deep dark pools, he found himself completely blind with love and lust. Leaving no room for a rebuttal, he bent his head and kissed her. He was close to losing his composure again.

  To his surprise, Isabel cooperated and took the time to mimic the swiping of his tongue and nip of his lips. Ah, an avid student. The things I can teach you. He twisted to lift her on his lap, pressing her against the burgeoning bulge in his trousers, and continued his seduction.

  “Nathaniel,” she whispered breathlessly. “We should not.”

  No, we should not, but could either of us really wait? “I know, love, but I cannot stop.”

  She shook her head and lowered it to take to his mouth again. Her eyes were heady with desire, and a blush so pink swept across her face and down her neck to the valley of those sweet, sweet breasts.

  “Darling, if this is truly what you desire, there is no going back.”

  Isabel responded with a nod, repositioning herself. She straddled him then reached behind and undid the fastenings of her gown. Nathaniel reached out to assist, but she pressed her hand against his chest. “No, my love. Sit back and watch.”

  Whose seduction is this? It had certainly started as his. But out of nowhere, the bold woman decided that she wanted to take over. After undoing her dress, Isabel let it slip down, exposing the fine-boned corset and her bust ready to burst. She was heaven to watch, but he knew from the mischievous gleam in her eye that she was far from finished.

  Those creamy curves begged to be caressed. His groin ached to a fevered pitch. How he wanted to bury himself, deep and hard, between those ever so tempting thighs. Damn it all to hell!

  Nathaniel refused to wait any longer. Regardless of any inkling he had about them being followed, this was about as private as it was going to get. The moment they arrived in Bath, there would be far too many gossiping London folk about.

  He pulled Isabel closer, crushing his mouth to hers, reveling in the sweet lingering taste of tea and cakes. Her plump lips took the brunt of his passion, which would only serve a hint as to what lie ahead for her. Nathaniel reached for her hands, planting them on his shoulders, releasing her from his kiss. “Do not move your hands. Am I understood?”

  She nodded, and her eyes glossed over with arousal.

  Nathaniel lifted each breast out of the confines of her corset and lowered his head to take the peak of one rosy bud into his mouth. He sucked sharply, creating the desired effect of one very stiff nipple before duplicating the attention to the other.

  “Sweetheart, I would love for you to lift just a moment, while I undo myself.” When she did, he unbuttoned the front of his trousers to release his manhood. More than anything, he wanted to hear her scream out his name, but once again, they were in a situation that required the utmost discretion. He made quick work of lifting her shift out of the way.

  Then, urgency drove him to drop her on his waiting cock.

  She was so tight and accommodating, it took every ounce of patience not to thrust with speed. Surely, Isabel would kill him, before they could get married, if their encounters continued to be so intense.

  She gasped as she tipped her head back, her breasts shifting forward as she arched. This is what it feels to be in heaven. She moved with grace and confidence as she rocked against him, elevating him higher. Nathaniel’s legs tensed and a bright light blinded him. He peaked into a colossal release.

  Nathaniel opened his eyes to find hers burrowing a searing gaze into his soul. He smiled and she did so in return. “You, my love, were incredible.”

  “Why thank you, My Lord. Though I dare say, the next time around should be in a much more comfortable environment.”

  Now that is food for thought. He snorted and dug out his handkerchief. When she rose from his lap, he realized he had not taken precautions. Egads! Not only would this be the scandal of the century, she could very well be with child as a result of yet another indiscretion. This woman was forever making him forget himself.

  Isabel had taken her place next to him, righting herself while he did the same. They were close enough to the city of Bath that if they did not hurry, the doors would open and all the visitors and residents would notice what had transpired during their travel.

  Nathaniel’s carriage slowed to a trotting pace. Noise now seemed to occupy the space outside of the transport. They had arrived, and within a few hours, her friends would soon join them. They came to a stop. His footman opened the door and waited for them to climb out.

  “Your Grace, once we are settled into our suites it would be an honor to escort you to dinner.”

  “The honor is all mine, My Lord.”

  Nathaniel tucked her arm into his as they strode to the reception desk, the footman behind them with their trunks. And now began the arduous task of damage control. They both needed a miracle to survive the next few days.

  * * * *

  The hotel’s servants were quick in getting Nathaniel settled. His valet, Evans, managed to get his things in order and even saw to it that he was not disturbed by tedious troubles. Setting the quill down and blowing a quick breath on the drying ink, he re-read his missive.

  Bartholomew, follow these instructions with haste and be sure you keep with the utmost discretion.

  It has come to my attention that the Duke of Downsbury holds a particular interest in acquiring the estate of His Lordship, the late Duke of Brimley. I would like you to find out exactly what he is after, his debts, his and his duchess’s coming and goings, and anything else that might be of use.

  You should also be aware that he may sell information to the daily of a recent dalliance I have had.

  Please notify me most urgently should anything appear. A certain respectable lady’s reputation is at risk. She has already been through far too much grief for me to allow any further damage to press.


  Excellent. Now all he had to do was sit back and wait for society to unleash its wicked forked tongues and wreak havoc. Nathaniel suspected he would not have to wait long before his secretary replied.

  “Evans! Come quickly.”

  His valet attended, standing rigid, his hands clasped in front of him.

  “Be sure this is sent to my secretary of affairs, Bartholomew Winters, by express. It is imperative that he receives this tonight.”

  “Absolutely, sir. I shall see to it right away.”

  Upon second thought… He rose from the desk. “One more thing. Evans, has there been any movement from Her Grace’s room?”

  Evans smirked. “None, sir. As far as I know, things have been quiet since her dinner was served in her rooms.”

  “Very well. Now, be gone.”

  Lost in deep thought over their indiscretions, Nathaniel pondered what Downsbury stood to gain from blackmailing them. He would have to be in a bad way financially to risk any kind of exposure into his affairs.

  Taking a swig of his brandy, Nathaniel returned to the desk to pen another note, this time to his estate. His staff could use the time to prepare the manor for the arrival—hopefully—of a new mistress. However, his mother ran the house with such fluidity that no stone was left unturned.

  When he was young, no child was put to bed without her love and affection, and everything was left in a state in which his father would be pleased. The late Marquess of Stoughton had provided a firm hand in assisting his mother. But for the most part, the man had participated in most of the games he and his siblings played.

  One day he aspired to be just like his father. Have a slew of children running through the estate, Isabel chasing after them and hosting parties and tea. There was not a dream about his future that did not include her. Isabel inspired him daily to be the very best he could. If it were not for his fond memories of her, he might have not made it back to England in one piece. Yes, soon her grace would be the matron of his family’s estate.

haniel stood staring aimlessly at the fireplace for what seemed hours, pouring over his thoughts of what was in store for them, before deciding to check on her ladyship. How will my family react to her becoming my wife? Surely his sister wouldn’t mind in the least having someone closer to her eighteen years to converse with, but his mother…his mother would take to the vapors once she heard.

  She will simply have to make do with my decision.

  * * * *

  “Excuse me, miss.”

  The young lass entered, with a shy blush sweeping across the bridge of her nose. “Your Grace.”

  “Fetch me my dressing gown, and you may leave for the evening. I have no intention of entertaining this evening.”

  “But, Your Grace—”

  “No need to worry, my dear. I’m not an invalid, nor a crone in need of assistance. Enjoy your evening. I assure you, I will be in perfect health tomorrow. I promise.”

  Without the bat of an eyelash, the young maid retrieved her gown and held it out while Isabel stepped from the cool bath water.

  Since their arrival in Bath, she had wondered how long it would be before Nathaniel joined her. Yet the overbearing man had avoided her since escorting her to the elegant suite. What could possibly be keeping him from visiting, tending to her needs? From the moment he had laid her upon the park green and fondled her in the most loving and sinful ways, she had burned for him.

  Dampness pooled between her thighs from thinking of those delicious moments. She ached to have him buried deep within her, driving himself in until the only thing she could see were heavenly constellations. Both would be coated in sweat and their release, biding their time until need drove them into an all-consuming lust.

  Damnation! Of all the men to drive her to distraction. Only six months had passed since her husband’s death. Their connection was a scandalous one, and no matter how she tried to imagine things working out in the end, the situation would not resolve amiably. Either she would be exiled from the haute ton, or Nathaniel would be cast out from the House of Lords. Inevitably, their dalliance would have to stop, quickly and quietly.

  Isabelle sat by the fire, brushing her hair dry, running through her mind what to tell him. If the determination burning in his eyes at the gardens gave any clue, Nathaniel was a man used to getting his way. He would not simply accept that she was not interested in pursuing this relationship of theirs any further. No, Nathaniel would see to it that he did his duty, marry her to preserve his family’s good name.

  Good grief, his family. What would they think of this mess?

  A gentle knock at the door startled her. Isabel set down her brush and craned her neck to get a view of who would enter. However, from where she was seated, she could only see the sitting room.

  “Enter,” she called out, pushing away from the vanity and walked toward the entrance to her apartments. “Did you forget something, young lady? I am sure I gave you my utmost assurance that I will be fine for the remainder of the evening.”

  Isabel adjusted the wrapping of her robe without so much as glancing up, stumbling into a wall of muscle, sweetly-scented and familiar.

  “And I am positively convinced you should have someone with you, myself excluded, of course,” Nathaniel drawled, making her stomach flutter with excitement and nervousness. He lifted her chin with his fingers until their eyes met. His gaze penetrated her soul, right down to her core, promising so much more than what she had already tasted.

  “But excluding you would take all the fun out of this trip, My Lord.”

  He smirked and stepped back. “I trust you had an agreeable dinner?”

  “I did indeed, My Lord.”

  Nathaniel walked past her toward the fireplace and adjusted the logs to make room for more. “That should keep you cozy until morning. In the meanwhile, your companions are set to arrive later tonight, and I hope to enjoy breakfast with all of you. Now, I suggest you get on to bed, and I will get back to securing our future, Your Ladyship.”

  He deliberately swatted her derriere. While she did not understand what he meant about securing her future, she had to find a way to talk to him before he made any plans. However, before she could even speak to him about quitting this nonsense, he had left her apartment with but a shred of hope. She had to stop him before they made even bigger fools out of themselves.

  When her trip to Bath concluded and she returned to London, she would have to contact Henry’s solicitors to confirm if the Duke of Downsbury had any claim to her husband’s estate. Though that would be difficult, as her husband’s barrister had a notorious reputation for not wanting to deal with women.

  Their last discussion had been via post, to disclose her inheritance—albeit a minimal one, but one that would permit her to continue living in her present residence with pin money to last for several years.

  Isabel had never been one for grand expenditures, nor did she lavish in spending her husband’s money. Henry had made most of his fortune in gambling and seizing debts. Is it possible Henry owed Downsbury? Where would I go if Downsbury is found in favor with the justice?

  Isabel quivered, knowing all too well she would be fortunate enough if she ended up in some dowager’s house. Though, she had managed to save a small fortune of her pin money so that she could purchase her own cottage—nothing too grand, nor would she keep the full stock of staff.

  Perhaps this was the change she needed to move forward. Once she returned to London, she would send out inquiries to see if there were any country homes for purchase and permanently move out of London.

  Nathaniel was bound to be cross with her, but she needed to put distance between the two of them if either wanted some semblance of peace.

  Chapter Four

  Nathaniel blinked furiously at the stream of sunlight concentrating on his face. His head throbbed from the bottle of brandy he had indulged in. How else was he supposed to keep clear from Isabel until the issue with Downsbury was resolved? All this scandal was ruinous to everyone it touched.

  He desired nothing more than to drag her into his suite and make sweet, passionate love to her, over and over until neither of them was conscious. The distance between them killed him.

  Nathaniel fumbled with his sheet and promptly covered his head with the blasted thing. Waking up alone in bed was bad enough, but when having numerous dreams of Isabel over the course of the night left him as rigid as granite, there was only but one way to resolve the issue.

  Before he could even take matters into his own palm, a harsh knock on the door came, followed by footsteps into his bedchamber.

  “My Lord, forgive the intrusion. You need to see this right away!” the valet fumbled with a rolled up paper in his hands.

  Nathaniel sat up with haste, the sheet falling away, exposing his nudity. He reached out to accept the daily, unfolded it, and groaned at the headline.

  Scandal At Vauxhall.

  He could not help but read further.

  Reliable resources indicate that over the course of last weekend’s festivities, her grace, Lady I., was found in quite the scandalous and compromising position at the Pleasure Gardens with Lord S. It is speculated whether the affair had been ongoing prior to his grace’s demise. To think his wife would go against all decorum and be so bold. I daresay, ladies, you shall not want your daughters in such company. Keep a close eye on your girls, and prohibit any interaction and affiliation with either of them. Trouble and scandal follow them as second nature, and the season is far from over. Be on your guard.

  Nathaniel pinched the bridge of his nose, sucking in a long, deep breath. How am I ever going to explain this to Isabel, let alone to my associates? Not that his associates would care. In fact, he would not be surprised if they applauded him for his indiscretion making the front page.

  However, the article was another matter entirely. He had hoped to make her his wife before the year was out, but at the rate the gossips ran in London, he would have to procure a special license before the end of the week.

st, he would source out where the information came from and have a letter of apology published in lieu of the damaging post. And then attempt to provide damage control upon his next visit to the House of Lords. He would need to have an explanation regarding the situation. Yet to ascertain how exactly they would react, Nathaniel could not be sure. And to be frank, he could not care less on what they had to say on the matter.

  “Evans, get my things together and have my coach readied. We leave within the hour.” Bartholomew better have started the investigation. Things are about to get even busier for the poor man.

  “But, My Lord—”

  “There are no buts, Evans. It is imperative that we be on our way. I must speak with her grace immediately.”

  Nathaniel stalked toward the washstand without haste and inhaled deeply. I will succeed, and we will overcome this. Why did they not teach in school how to deal with delivering ill-timed and embarrassing news? ’Twas a good thing her friends had arrived earlier this morning. He could not bear the thought of leaving her alone until these shenanigans were put to a stop.

  * * * *

  Isabel, already dressed and waiting in the morning room of her apartments, reminisced over the last few days. Cecily and Robert would join her soon, but she had enough time to enjoy her first morning tea at her leisure.

  In another day or so, she would return to London and begin the stressful, yet mandatory, steps to procure her safety and secure her future. In the end, her title meant nothing to her. She had married the duke at the hands of her parents. And while her papa had been a baron living as a wealthy merchant and spared no expense in pushing her into the elevated circles, nothing about the extravagance had won her over.

  What is the point of being happy with pretty baubles and residing in an enormous estate without a husband or children? The only difference was that now she could choose to live alone, against the odds and the world, it seemed.